What You Should Do After Getting A Root Canal

Will you be getting a root canal in the future to help treat a problematic tooth? If so, there is not much to worry about when it comes to the procedure itself because the dentist will do it all for you. However, it is up to you to handle your own home care. Here are some tips on what you should do after getting a root canal.

Avoid Chewing Immediately After 

The dentist will use an anesthetic to numb the part of the mouth they are working on. This can actually leave your mouth numb for a few hours after the procedure; your lips, tongue, and teeth won't be able to feel the pressure that you put on them. This makes eating with a numb mouth unsafe. You are likely to accidentally bite your tongue or lip because you can't feel their placement while you chew. If you have to eat, try using the opposite side of your mouth that is not numb.

Know About Your Temporary Crown

You'll likely be given a temporary crown that is placed over the tooth that was given a root canal. This temporary crown is not going to be nearly as strong as the final crown, and it is designed to protect your teeth and allow you to chew with it. It is possible that the temporary crown will become damaged, such as cracking down the middle. Reach out to your dentist if this happens, and they can put on a new temporary crown. 

The best way to protect your temporary crown is to avoid using the tooth to chew on hard objects, such as ice, pencils, and very hard foods. You should also avoid biting your fingernails. Avoid putting any hard objects in your mouth, such as pens and other objects that are not designed to be chewed on. Do not eat foods that are very sticky, which can cause the temporary crown to be pulled off the tooth.

Take Pain Medication As Directed

The area where the root canal was performed will feel tender for a few days. Know that pain should always improve and not get worse, and reach out to your dentist if the pain increases. Take pain relievers as directed to help deal with the pain over those initial days. 

Contact your local dentist to learn more about root canals and how to care for your tooth after surgery. 
